Forget your Quota!

Good morning, everyone.

I want to suggest that you should forget your quota. You should forget your sales targets. You should not be focused on your targets, but instead, you should hyper-focus on your customer targets. Yes, you should focus on your client quotas and help them achieve them.

There's an interesting perspective in today's Words of Wisdom. It is that when you are focused on your targets and quota, you are internally focused. If you're focused on your customer's quota and targets you're externally focused.

When you're internally focused and want to be successful, you can become aggressive. When you're externally focused on the customer target, success, and well-being, you can be assertive in creating the best outcomes and options for them.

This week, forget your targets. Forget your quota and focus on your customer's target and quota. When you do you're going to have a much more effective and productive workweek.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is Hugh's Words of wisdom for Wednesday.

Live boldly.


Hugh’s Words of Wisdom Wednesday: Let’s Talk About Your Self Talk


How Is Your Mindset?