Dispelling the Myth: The Time is Not Right

Video Notes

This week I want to dispel a myth. The myth is: the time is not right.

Ladies and gentlemen, that is absolutely a myth.

Now you have certainly heard this if you are in a sales position and a management or leadership position. If you’re in a leadership position you’ve had people come and say, “that is a wonderful idea, but the time is not right.” If you ever hear that, I want you to say these words to the people that say that: “My overwhelming experience is that those who say that ‘the time is not right’ never find the right time.” the people who are extraordinary in their organizations, the leaders who are extraordinary, the organizations that create overwhelming value for their customers, for their employees, start immediately. They start immediately and they are totally open to mid course corrections.”

Ladies and gentlemen, if you’ve ever heard, “the time is not right,” if you’ve ever uttered the words, “the time is not right,” stop it. Don’t accept it. My recommendation to you is: take immediate action. Do something to move towards that which you want to accomplish and be completely open to mid course corrections, but don’t wait. Eradicate, just annihilate this notion that ‘the time is not right.’ The time is always right. It just requires bold action.

That ladies and gentlemen is the Monday Morning Minute. I hope you have a fabulous week, and I’ll see you here again next week. Take care.


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