The quality of your questions determines the quality of your results

Video Notes:

This week I’m going to talk to you about the quality of your questions. Here’s my bold premise for this week. If you increase the quality of the questions you ask yourself, either at home or at work, then your performance will go up appreciably.

Let me give you an example of a low quality question: how do I lose ten pounds?

That’s a bad question and is a low quality question. Here’s an example of a high quality question. What do I need to do to live the most vibrant life physically? That question can take you into areas such as sleep, nutrition, exercise, the quality of the people you spend time with when you’re away from work to the quality of the people you spend time with at work.

There’s a whole different world that comes about by asking the second question as opposed to the first one. The vast majority of people in the world of work spend more time thinking about how to put out fires as opposed to becoming fire retardant. How to become fire retardant is a high quality question. How do we put out fires? That’s a low quality question.

This week if you want to have a significantly better week, if you want to transform yourself and your organization, ask high quality questions. If you do that you will be really amazed at the quality of your week.

That’s it ladies and gentlemen. Have a fabulous week and I will see you here again next week. Take care.


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