7 Principles of Transformational Leadership

This week we are launching my new book, The 7 Principles of Transformational Leadership: create a mindset of passion, innovation, and growth. I’m excited for two reasons. The first is that the people who have read the book so far have said that it is approachable, practical, and inspirational. For these compliments I am really honored.

I’m also excited because this book was eight years in the making. It took a long time for me to write it. Not because I didn’t have something to say, but because I was tentative and uncertain. But, when I leveraged the content from my Mastering Your Mindset and integrated it with the 7 Principles of Transformational Leadership, I got transformational results. Specifically, I went from the idea of the book to a book proposal, an agent, to a commercial publisher and a completed manuscript in five months.

There are three benefits you’ll receive from reading my book and one thing that you’ll commit to doing in order to get transformational results. The three benefits are:

  1. A way to live your life with unbridled purpose and passion.

  2. You’ll execute on your strategic priorities faster and with greater results.

  3. You will cascade excellence throughout your entire organization.

That’s great, Hugh, but what do I have to do in order to get these benefits?

You’ll need to articulate your leadership purpose. Leadership purpose is a game changer. It changes the game with regards to the value you provide to your customer and employees. It is the catalyst for living your life purposefully and passionately, executing with greater effectiveness and greater results, and cascading excellence throughout your entire organization.

Ladies and gentlemen, the purpose of the book is to show you how to achieve these types of results. If you’d like to experience the same types of results I did, there is a link at the bottom of this blog post and it will take you to the landing page where there are three offers about how you and I can engage with this content. We can engage with you as an individual or with you as a team or organization. Check out the landing page. I am very proud of this book and believe it can be a game changer for you personally, organizationally, and professionally.

Have a flourishing week and I’ll see you again next week.

Click here to go to the book landing page


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